What Is Moringa and How Does It Work?

The global market for moringa products could grow by 8% between 2020 and 2027. More people are beginning to recognize the potential moringa benefits they can experience. Its anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antifungal properties make it ideal for many medicinal uses.

What is moringa, exactly, and what potential health benefits might you experience?

Keep reading to find out!

After learning all about the moringa plant, you could find a brand new source of vitamins and minerals. Discover more about this amazing plant with this helpful guide today. 

What is Moringa?

First, let’s answer the question that’s likely on your mind: what is moringa, exactly?

Moringa oleifera is a plant, also known as the drumstick tree. Its other names include the ben oil tree, horseradish tree, and miracle tree.

It has antidepressant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. As a result, this plant is used to make various medicinal products.

The moringa oleifera tree is native to:

  • Pakistan
  • Afghanistan
  • Bangladesh
  • India

The tree usually grows in subtropical and tropical regions.

People use different parts of the tree to make medicine and health products. For example, you can use its bark, roots, fruits, leaves, flowers, and moringa seeds.

This drought-resistant, fast-growing tree also offers a range of minerals and vitamins, including:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6
  • Folate and ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorous
  • Magnesium

It’s also rich in healthy antioxidants and bioactive plant compounds. The moringa tree is extremely low in fat. It contains no harmful cholesterol, either. 

Using moringa usually doesn’t cause many side effects. However, you should consult a doctor before using moringa extract for the first time. 

Potential Benefits

Now that we’ve answered the question “what is moringa,” let’s discuss the potential moringa benefits you can experience.

Researchers are still learning more about the moringa tree and its reputed health benefits. Here are a few to consider before trying moringa for the first time.

1. It’s Nutritious

One of the amazing benefits of consuming moringa is that it’s full of vitamins and minerals. You can consume moringa in powder or capsule form. Otherwise, consider experiencing moringa tea benefits, too. 

These nutrients include protein, vitamin C, vitamin B6, iron, and riboflavin.

Though moringa is full of important, essential nutrients, it also contains antinutrients. Antinutrients might reduce the absorption of minerals and protein. Make sure to consume a balanced diet in addition to moringa.

2. Full of Antioxidants

Now that you have answers to the question “what is moringa,” we can explore how its antioxidants can benefit your health. Antioxidants fight free radicals in the body. Otherwise, free radicals can cause oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is associated with chronic health conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Moringa contains antioxidants like quercetin, beta-carotene, and chlorogenic acid.

Quercetin might help lower high blood pressure. Chlorogenic acid, on the other hand, might moderate blood sugar levels after meals. 

3. Might Ease Inflammation

Inflammation is the body’s response to illness, injury, and infection. Too much inflammation, however, can contribute to health problems like:

  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Asthma
  • Neurodegenerative diseases
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Obesity

Inflammation can also contribute to symptoms like fatigue, fever, and chest pain.

The isothiocyanates in moringa might provide anti-inflammatory benefits. With that in mind, drinking moringa tea might reduce inflammation levels throughout your body. You could reduce your risk of a chronic condition as a result. 

4. May Lower Blood Sugar Levels

High blood sugar is characteristic of diabetes. It could lead to other health problems, including heart disease. Moringa tea benefits people with high blood sugar levels

However, we only have a few animal studies to learn from so far.

Scientists believe plant compounds like isothiocyanates, found in moringa, might reduce blood sugar levels. 

5. Could Lower Cholesterol

High cholesterol is often associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Many plants can reduce cholesterol, including moringa, almonds, and flaxseeds. 

Drinking moringa tea might reduce your risk of heart disease as a result. 

6. Might Protect Against Arsenic Toxicity

Food and water sources can become contaminated with arsenic. For example, rice tends to have high levels of arsenic contamination. Long-term exposure could cause health issues over time.

It could increase your risk of cancer and heart disease, too. 

The seeds and leaves from the moringa tree might protect against the effects of arsenic toxicity. We only have animal studies to learn from so far, though.  

7. Might Boost Your Energy

Moringa tea benefits energy levels, too. Though it’s non-caffeinated, drinking moringa might boost your energy levels. It might increase vitality and overall wellness without the side effects of caffeine, too. 

8. Could Aid Weight Loss

Moringa’s potent nutrient profile might benefit your metabolism. It could help you burn calories while boosting your energy levels. It might even balance sugar levels.

These moringa benefits might help if you’re trying to lose weight. 

9. Might Boost Your Immunity

Remember, moringa contains high levels of ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acids, along with antioxidants, could help it fight common cold and flu symptoms.

Vitamin C can also help stimulate the production of white blood cells. As your immune system grows stronger, your body will have an easier time fighting illnesses.

10. Could Help Manage Diabetes

Remember, moringa can both reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These moringa benefits could reduce your risk of developing diabetes. The chlorogenic acid in moringa might provide additional protection.

11. Might Help Your Skin

Moringa tea is high in both vitamin C and bioflavonoids. These components might help nourish your skin.

Drinking moringa tea benefits your collagen production. Collagen is a building block of cells. It’s essential to skin health, too.

Drinking moringa tea might:

  • Reduce free radicals
  • Diminish the formation of fine lines
  • Increase moisture
  • Fight acne breakouts

It could help your skin look healthy and youthful as a result.

What is Moringa Oleifera?: Praising an Amazing Plant

To recap, what is moringa? It’s an amazing plant that offers a long list of potential health benefits. Keep these moringa benefits in mind before trying it for the first time.

Products made from the moringa plant could make all the difference to your overall health. 

Interested in trying it for yourself? You came to the right place.

Explore our moringa products today to get started. 

How Moringa Can Help Diabetes

With around ten percent of people having diabetes worldwide, more and more are looking for alternatives to pharmaceuticals for lowering blood sugar levels. Moringa Oleifera is native to India but has been spreading in popularity all around the globe.

Have you been taking insulin for your blood sugar and searching for alternatives? Learn more about the miracle tree, and how it works similar to insulin. 

What Is Moringa?

Moringa Oleifera is a tree that is native to the Indian subcontinent, specifically Northern India. It has been used for centuries for its health and wellness benefits and medicinal properties. Moringa contains many nutrients such as iron, protein, antioxidants, Vitamin A, Vitamin B2, B6, and Vitamin C as well as Magnesium.

The entire tree is edible from the roots to the bark, even the seed pods and the flowers are eaten. The most common way moringa is sold is the leaves are ground into a powder that is used for making drinks, and also made into supplements. Moringa tea is also common to come across in bag form which is easy to brew and goes well with a lemon slice.

Fighting Free Radicals

Free radicals are molecules that can cause chain reactions in the body. The body naturally creates free radicals during the metabolic processes, but they can also enter our body from external sources such as pollution, smoking, and even getting an x-ray. Fight those free radicals in the Texas air with the moringa Dallas area has accessible.

Oxidative stress occurs when we have too many free radicals to the number of antioxidants in the body. Oxidative stress plays a role in many health issues including diabetes. Since moringa is packed with antioxidants it is a natural way to help fight and balance the free radicals in our body. 

Insulin-Like Proteins 

Can the proteins found in moringa help the body process sugars more efficiently? Studies show that ingesting moringa may help with the production of and the release of insulin. These insulin-like proteins mimic the body’s own naturally occurring insulin and could help to lower blood sugar levels.

This protein is found in the leaves, fruit, and seeds of the moringa oleifera plant. Many studies have been done as this is an innovative breakthrough for controlling blood sugar levels and managing diabetes.  

When and How To Take Moringa

There are certain ways in which we ingest moringa that can make a difference in its effect. And, if you are using moringa to control your blood sugar levels you want to be sure that you are getting the most benefits of moringa and that it is of high quality.

Pura Moringa supplements are a wonderful example of high-quality moringa supplements which are best taken with water at mealtimes.

Take Control of Your Blood Sugar Levels

Learning about a miracle plant such as moringa may be life-changing for diabetics. Take control of your health, again by using moringa to help balance your blood sugar levels naturally.

Learn more about moringa and get the best supplements that Pura Moringa Garland, Texas has to offer. 

How to Boost Your Energy Naturally Throughout the Day

As you try to shake that post-pandemic slump, you might be feeling a little drowsy. We’ve been stuck inside for over a year, so it makes sense that we’re a little groggy.

That said, it’s time to get your energy back to where it once was. We’re going to explore a few ideas on how to boost energy. It can be tough to find sustainable ways to do this because a lot of energy boosters wind up draining you a few hours later. 

There are a number of ways to increase energy and maintain it throughout your day. Let’s take a look. 

How to Boost Energy The Right Way

We’ll start out by taking a look at some of the fundamentals. Regardless of the supplements or materials that you take to get yourself feeling alert, the effects will never last if you’re not situated with a few things. 

The first thing to consider is your diet. It gets old hearing that your diet is the source of a lot of the issues you experience, but it’s true. The food we eat contributes to the health of each system in our body

Whether you have painful joints, headaches, trouble concentrating, or you’re always drowsy, your diet could have something to do with it. It might not always be accurate to diagnose current issues with changes to your diet, but you can sure prevent certain things from happening if you improve the way you eat. 

Energy is always going to be something that is directly diet to what you put into your body. If you’re eating irregularly, you’ll be less energized. Further, you won’t feel great if you eat at regular intervals but you ingest processed foods. 

So, the first thing to do is keep a few healthy snacks around you at all times. Then, once you’re ready, you can make the habit of eating regular meals comprised of nutritious, natural foods. 

Exercising Boosts Energy

Once you have the energy to get out of the house, then you can really start kicking things into gear. Exercise is a powerful way to increase energy. 

It seems counterintuitive that you would exert energy to get more of it, but it’s true. When we exercise, our bodies release endorphins, dopamine, GABA, and more chemicals that make us happy and alert. 

Your body will develop resilience as well. We lose energy when our bodies are too tired from taking care of daily tasks. If you’ve got the endurance to push through your day without struggle, you’ll have a lot more energy to be more productive. 

Regular Sleep Cycle

If you’re like most people, you can’t remember the exact times that you went to bed and woke up over the last week. Life is messy, so our sleep patterns follow. 

That said, we’re wired to get tired when it’s dark and wake up when it starts to get light out. That’s a regular system that humans have abided by for thousands of years. 

The amount of sleep you need is subjective to you, but regularity is something that we all need. When we have irregular sleep cycles, things start to suffer. Your energy will be low, concentration is a lot harder, your muscles might be sore, and you might have a hard time getting out of bed in the first place. 

There’s a chain effect, and a red bull or three cups of coffee won’t do much to solve the issue. Sleep, diet, and exercise are fundamental pieces of an energized life. 

Those practices will give you lasting energy that feels natural and healthy. They also happen to be areas of life where a lot of other issues can be resolved as well. So, once you start doing those things, you can layer a few more supplements and practices on top to get yourself as energized as you can be. 

Supplemental Methods

If you want to fine-tune your energy, you have a lot of options you can use to get there. 

It’s tough to get all of the vitamins and minerals we need through our diets. Even a variety of natural foods won’t always cover every base. That’s where supplements come in.

You can incorporate supplements that address key nutritional elements to boost your energy. Moringa, for example, is an excellent nutritional source that you might not know about. 

Moringa offers a lot of antioxidants, potassium, protein, and iron. Those are a few of the key ingredients that people seek out natural foods for. It’s typically a powder, ground-up from leaves of the moringa tree. You can incorporate it into smoothies, meals, or consume it in the form of capsules. 

Options like this are great ways to improve your diet and experience immediate benefits. If you’re a person who gets tired in the middle of the day, moringa might be a great little boost to add to your routine. 

Take Breaks When You’re Getting Tired

Have you ever taken a five-minute nap that felt like a good night’s sleep?

Sometimes, you don’t need much more than a chance to sit down for five minutes in order to recover. We’re running from place to place, idea to idea all of the time, and that’s exhausting. 

Give yourself permission to take breaks when you need them. They don’t have to be long, but they’re important for your mental and physical health. You can justify breaks by knowing that they’ll increase your productivity after. 

Breaks are also a great way to take a moment to reconsider the stress you’re feeling. Many people are stressed for the entire time they’re at work. Use your break to be mindful, become aware of how you’re feeling, and notice what it is that’s taking up so much of your energy. 

Want to Learn How to Reduce Energy Drain?

Hopefully, you have a few good ideas on how to boost energy now. There’s a lot to learn, and not all of it’s easy. We’re here to help, though. 

Explore our site for more ideas on products and methods to help you get your energy back. 

How Moringa Can Help Alleviate Cold and Flu Symptoms

It’s that time of the year again: flu season. Masks may be a new tool for us to use in the fight against illnesses that knock us out for weeks. But what if we didn’t have to worry about being knocked out at all?

Whether your sinuses are fighting the common cold, flu, or seasonal allergies, there are natural solutions out there to help you long-term. Natural products and supplements are the best remedies for cold and flu symptoms. 

So, if you’re suffering from a stuffy nose or body aches it might be time to put down the DayQuil and try something better for your body. Moringa is a natural substance that can help you feel good on a daily basis. In addition, it works hard to fight off nasty bouts of the cold and flu. 

Read on to learn more about Moringa and how it can help you!

What Is Moringa Oleifera?

Moringa leaves are naturally rich in important nutrients and antioxidants like B6, Vitamin C, Iron, etc. Moringa oleifera is the tree that provides these leaves.

Utilizing nutrient-dense leaves in supplements and teas is a great way to make sure your body is getting everything it needs. But it’s especially useful for when flu season rolls around.

Because Moringa oleifera is an anti-inflammatory, it’s a great treatment for inflamed sinuses and other cold and flu symptoms. Let’s talk more about what those symptoms are. 

Most Common Cold and Flu Symptoms 

The majority of people are familiar with what it feels like to have a cold or the flu. But let’s talk more about the different symptoms for each and how Moringa benefits those who exhibit such symptoms. 

Cold Symptoms

If you have a cold, you’re likely to experience: 

  • Runny nose
  • Stuffy nose
  • Sneezing
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Chest congestion/discomfort
  • Watery eyes

Moringa benefits you if you have these symptoms. Not only is it anti-inflammatory, but it also helps to boost your immune system because it is nutrient-dense.

If you take Moringa on a regular basis, either as a supplement or as tea, these symptoms won’t hit you so hard if you get a cold. 

Flu Symptoms

Flu symptoms are more extreme than cold symptoms. If you have the flu, you’re likely to experience:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Body aches
  • Fatigue
  • Exhaustion
  • Cold sweats/chills
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Cough
  • Chest congestion/discomfort

Moringa is great for treating cough, ache, and fatigue symptoms if you have the flu. In fact, Moringa is often used simply as a natural energy supplement. So, while it strengthens your immune system, it also helps fight off fatigue and exhaustion. 

Similar to treating a cold, Moringa can help with flu aches because it’s an anti-inflammatory. 

Boost Your Immune System

It’s been mentioned multiple times that Moringa will help to boost your immune system. But how does it do this?

Moringa is known as a “Superfood” which means that the nutrients help your body in numerous different ways and for a long time. Other common superfoods are berries, eggs, ginger, turmeric, avocado, and many more. 

Superfoods work to fill up your body with good stuff while flushing out the bad. Moringa does this, too. That’s how it ultimately boosts your immune system.

Best Pura Moringa Products for Long-Term Health

Pura Moringa is the best place to turn when looking to start incorporating Moringa supplements into your life. Let’s talk about which of their products will specifically help with cold and flu symptoms. 

Moringa Forte Plus

Moringa Forte Plus offers a boost of all-natural antioxidants. It’s a dense form of Moringa in supplement form. It will help with your allergies, cold, and flu symptoms. 

Additionally, it can help alleviate symptoms of diabetes, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, digestive problems, and migraines. 

Vitamin C

While this substance is familiar, it’s convenient to have access to this substance through Pura Moringa. Vitamin C is crucial in regard to building your immune system.

It’s in your best interest to purchase this supplement alongside Moringa Forte Plus to ensure that your body is taken care of on all fronts. 

Moringa + Maca

We’ve talked about Moringa, but what’s Maca? The Maca root plant is known for increasing libido in men and women while simultaneously raising energy levels. It can be used to alleviate menopause symptoms in women, many of which are similar to cold and flu symptoms. 

The Moringa + Maca duo is the strongest on the market and it’s great for battling even the worst cold and flu symptoms. It has all the benefits of Moringa mentioned thus far plus the added positive qualities of Maca.

Psychological Benefits of Moringa Tea

A steaming cup of tea is a very soothing way to treat cold and flu symptoms. Luckily, Pura Moringa has Moringa teas for every time of day: Morning, Breakfast, Afternoon, and Night. 

There are many psychological benefits to drinking tea, even when Moringa isn’t involved. It’s proven to ease anxiety and help manage stress. Physically, hot tea helps to open up your chest and clear out sinuses.

These effects are exacerbated with Moringa tea. The added benefits of Moringa’s vitamins and antioxidants make Moringa tea the perfect substance to drink when suffering from a cold or the flu. 

Invest in a Product to Protect Your Health

Are you ready to start building your immune system with Moringa? Pura Moringa is your one-stop-shop for every antioxidant and vitamin need. Get ready to kiss cold and flu symptoms goodbye. 

We’re here to help you invest in a natural product that will protect your health. Contact us today! Your body will thank you.