Moringa for Athletes: A Beginner’s Guide

The moringa tree is indigenous to the Himalayan region around Northern India and Nepal. Humans have used the extracts from the tree for at least 2,000 years.

Moringa is incredibly nutrient-dense and has numerous benefits for human health. This miracle plant is especially beneficial for athletes and those who take part in strenuous exercise.

Want to learn more about the use of moringa for athletes? Read on to find out. 

1. Moringa Can Help Speed Up Recovery

When you work out, your muscles become depleted of essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and minerals. Working out causes micro-tears to the muscles; this happens so the blood flow to the muscles can increase. These micro-tears can lead to post work out soreness for several days.

Don’t worry; the soreness is just your muscles adjusting to new intensities of working out. When they repair, they grow stronger. Good nutrition is essential for muscle recovery, and moringa can help speed up this process. 

Moringa has high levels of magnesium which is excellent for muscle recovery. 

2. Moringa For Athletes Can Boost Muscle Growth

Is moringa good for muscle growth? The short answer is yes; moringa can help you recover from a workout and boost muscle growth. The moringa plant contains a complete profile of plant proteins (amino acids). It also contains calcium which is crucial for muscle growth. 

What is the moringa dosage for muscle growth? You can take moringa post-workout daily. You should add it to a smoothie or juice or sprinkle it over yogurt or muesli; 1-3 teaspoons is plenty to see a noticeable difference. 

3. Great Source of Fibre

Another of the multiple moringa benefits is its high fiber content. This is great for the digestive system and overall gut health.

A healthy gut means a healthy immune system. Athletes need a strong immune system to perform at their best. 

4. High in Iron 

Iron is important for the red blood cells and transporting oxygen around your body. When you participate in sports or intense physical activity, you need your red blood cells to be in good health to deliver oxygen to your muscles, organs, and other tissues. 

Moringa’s high iron content is perfect for maintaining healthy levels of hemoglobin in the red blood cells. That’s why moringa for bodybuilding can be a beneficial supplement. 

Did you know that you can lose iron from sweating? When taking part in intense exercise, you need to make sure you maintain healthy levels of iron. 

5. Moringa is an Anti Oxidant 

The oxidative stress you put on your body when performing an intense exercise can take its toll on your body. As Moringa is a superfood, it is high in anti-oxidants. This means it can help your body fight any stress placed on it much more effectively. 

Add Moringa to Your Diet

Moringa for Athletes is the perfect supplement to boost a whole range of nutrients. From reducing fatigue to boosting your immune system, the powerhouse of nutrients in this magic plant can significantly benefit your performance. 

Add moringa to your diet by taking a supplement or putting moringa powder in your meals. Try some of our moringa products here.

Moringa Controls Hypertension? What to Know

Hypertension is a prolific problem in the USA. Nearly half of the adult population (45%) suffer from hypertension, defined as high blood pressure. 

Millions of people have to take medication for high blood pressure, but what if there was an easier, more natural way to reduce your blood pressure? 

Some simple lifestyle changes can help reduce hypertension as do certain supplements.

Did you know that moringa controls hypertension? Read on to learn how supplementing your diet with moringa can support high blood pressure. 

Moringa Controls Hypertension Due to High Potassium Levels

One of the leading causes of hypertension is high levels of sodium in the blood. Potassium is one of the micronutrients that can help reduce the amount of sodium in the body. 

Did you know that a gram of moringa has as much potassium as three bananas? The mighty green powder that is moringa packs a punch when it comes to nutrient density. 

Moringa Contains Compounds to Reduce Blood Pressure

Some of the less well-known compounds in moringa include niaziminin and isothiocyanate. These compounds work in the body to reduce the thickening of the arteries, which can cause high blood pressure. 

You may be wondering, does moringa lower blood sugar too? The micronutrients in this magical plant have been shown to reduce blood sugar as well as blood pressure. Moringa has insulin-like properties, which can be beneficial to those who have diabetes. 

How to Use Moringa for High Blood Pressure

The primary way to control or reduce high blood pressure is with a healthy lifestyle. You should get plenty of regular exercise and eat a varied, balanced diet rich in plants. 

Moringa can be part of this healthy lifestyle. It won’t reduce your blood pressure on its own; you need to combine it with a healthy, well-balanced diet. If you continue to eat a high fat, high sodium diet along with a moringa supplement, you won’t see the maximum benefits. 

You can add moringa to your breakfast in the morning; it works perfectly in smoothies or juices or sprinkled over oatmeal. Oatmeal, by the way, is an excellent food for reducing blood pressure. 

How Long Does It Take For Moringa to Start Working

You will need to take moringa for a few weeks to notice any effect on your blood pressure. 

Check out some moringa blood pressure testimonials to see how other people have got on with using the supplement. 

What Are the Side Effects of Taking Moringa?

There are no known significant side effects of taking a moringa supplement. Pregnant women are not recommended to take it, however.

When starting to take a new supplement, you should always consult your doctor first. 

Get Supplementing With Superfoods

Adding moringa to your diet doesn’t only help with the high blood pressure but has a whole host of health benefits. 

Moringa controls hypertension, boosts your immune system, helps with muscle recovery, and can support your digestive system. If you start taking moringa regularly, you may notice you feel and look much healthier than before. 

Get started with adding moringa to your diet. There’s a diverse range of products out there for you to try; take a look at the best ones here.

Moringa for Skin: Everything You Need to Know

Have you been struggling for years to try to find a skincare routine that works for you?

Last year, the skincare market grew by over 13%. So it can definitely be overwhelming to choose from thousands of different products.

Lucky for you, you don’t have to choose from all of those! We’ve narrowed it down to a new product on the market that is making an impact in the skincare world.

Keep reading to learn why you need to try Moringa for skin!

Stops Early Signs of Aging

Our skin faces environmental factors like pollution and UV radiation every day that can cause the aging process to speed up. To help fight these environmental factors, our skin creates free radicals that further damage the skin by creating wrinkles and sagging.

If you want to neutralize the wrinkles and sagging, moringa has a ton of benefits and antioxidants like Vitamin A, C, and B that fight the free radicals.

It Can Help Manage Acne

Have you been dealing with acne for a long time? It is hurting your confidence levels?

Using a moringa face mask for acne can help you gain your confidence back and reduce your acne! Because moringa is full of antioxidant properties, it can reduce the effects that may be causing your acne.

For instance, if you have not been getting enough sleep or are under stress, your glands and face may become inflamed. Moringa’s properties will help offset the inflammation and keep your acne breakouts under control.

Improve Your Complexion

If you don’t have any issues with premature aging or acne, you still may notice that your skin is a bit more porous than you’d like or your complexion is uneven in some areas. You may also have dark spots that you want to get rid of.

When moringa powder is made into an oil, using it in your nighttime routine can be especially beneficial for lightening any dark spots or evening out your uneven complexion.

If you’re wondering how to use moringa oil on your face, follow these steps:

  1. Complete your facial cleansing routine
  2. After applying lotion, put 2-3 drops of moringa oil on your fingertips
  3. Massage circularly into your skin

Not only will this give you extra moisture for your face, you’ll also clear your complexion and make it more even.

It’s Time to Use Moringa for Skin benefits

Are you convinced that it’s time to try out Moringa for skin?

Whether you are trying to manage acne breakouts, reduce aging, or simply keep your skin healthy and glowing, moringa is the way to go! If you have any questions about Moringa or our products, contact us today and we’ll answer everything you need to know!

If you’re already to jump on it, no need to contact us! You can visit our site. We have tons of products for your skin that you’ll love.

What Are the Moringa Benefits for Hair?

The average adult head has about 100,000 to 150,000 hairs and loses about 100 of them a day. Meanwhile, about 90% of the hair on your head is growing. Without the right vitamins and nutrients, however, it might not grow as strong.

Products made from the moringa tree could help. Moringa is a plant that’s full of vitamins and minerals. Using products made from the moringa plant might strengthen your hair.

What are the moringa benefits for hair? Keep reading to find out.

After reading this guide, you can start making a major change to your hair care routine. Read on to discover the amazing moringa benefits you can experience today!

1. Promote Hair Growth

First, let’s answer the question that’s likely on your mind: what is moringa?

Moringa is an herb that’s loaded with:

  • Vitamins A, B, C, and E
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Essential amino acids
  • Antioxidants
  • Complete amino acids
  • Chlorophyll

These nutrients are all valuable to your hair. In fact, they can nourish your hair to make sure it grows strong and healthy.

One of the great moringa benefits for hair is due to its high levels of vitamins A and B. These vitamins nourish your hair to promote growth.

Vitamin A plays an important role in your body’s ability to develop healthy cells and tissue. Developing healthy cells can help minimize hair loss.

Without vitamin A, you could develop a deficiency. Vitamin A deficiency can cause:

  • Dry hair
  • Thickening of the scalp
  • Dandruff

Using moringa plant products could keep dandruff at bay by moisturizing your hair. Vitamin A is responsible for stimulating sebum production in the sebaceous glands, too. Sebum is an oily substance that can moisturize the scalp.

This process can keep your hair growing healthy.

Vitamin B, on the other hand, plays a part in creating red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen and nutrients to your hair follicles and scalp.

Ensuring proper blood circulation in the scale can keep follicles growing healthy and strong.

Without vitamin B, you could experience hair loss. Your body needs folic acid, biotin, inositol, and B6 for proper growth.  

2. Healthy Follicles

If you’re worried about the health of your hair follicles, consider finding new sources of zinc. The moringa tree is a great place to start. Moringa hair products and supplements contain zinc, which stimulates hair growth.

Zinc and other vitamins and protect your hair from drying out. They can also prevent the sebaceous glands from getting clogged. Remember, these glands are necessary for sebum production.

If you have low levels of zinc, you could experience hair loss or poor hair growth.

Zinc is important for maintaining healthy hair follicles. The follicles are the roots of every strand of hair. Using products made from the moringa plant can help damaged hair follicles recover.

Zinc can also keep the oil glands around each follicle functioning properly.

3. Prevent Hair Loss

By age 50, about half of all women will deal with some degree of pattern hair loss. About 85% of men will experience loss and thinning, too. 

Remember, moringa’s vitamin A and B content could help prevent hair loss. Moringa also contains iron. Iron is another nutrient that’s essential for hair growth.

If you develop an iron deficiency, you might start noticing more strands of your beautiful locks falling onto the floor. Consider using moringa plant products before that happens. 

Moringa is high in iron, which can boost oxygen circulation in the blood. Once the oxygen reaches your scalp, your hair follicles will grow better than before. 

4. Nourish Strands

Remember, moringa is also rich in amino acids. Moringa benefits for hair are due in part to these amino acids, including:

  • Methionine
  • Lysine
  • Cysteine
  • Arginine

Amino acids are the building blocks of all cells. Among these, we need cysteine for hair growth most.

Cysteine can protect your hair from harmful radiation, including sun damage. It also provides the hair cells with sulfur. Sulfur can improve the texture of your hair while keeping strands strong.

5. Fight Oxidative Stress

Damaging free radicals can cause oxidative stress, which could impact your hair. Instead, consider using moringa. Moringa contains vitamins C and E, which are powerful antioxidants.

These antioxidants can fight off free radicals.

Otherwise, your hair could grow weak. It might even start to grey, too.

Vitamin C and E will improve the scalp’s blood circulation as well, ensuring the absorption of nutrients in the follicles. 

6. Thicken Strands

If you want to maintain your healthy hair and keep your strands thick, consider these moringa benefits. Moringa contains omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids provide your hair with healthy fats, ensuring they remain thick and strong.

Omega-3 fatty acids can also reduce scalp inflammation. Nourishing your hair follicles can encourage your hair to grow.

Fatty acids also boost blood circulation while soothing and moisturizing your scalp. This process could reduce dryness and dandruff.

7. Prevent Split Ends

Have you noticed an increase in split ends lately? The moringa benefits for hair cover split ends, too.

Remember, moringa is full of amino acids. Amino acids can nourish weak strands of hair to repair your split ends. 

You can also use moringa to revitalize your hair from the roots to the ends. Providing your hair with essential nutrients could even minimize frizz. 

8. Retain Color

If you’re worried about the appearance of your hair, consider adding moringa plant products to your routine. For example, you can start using a moringa hair oil.

Most oils have a slight tint to them. This tint could affect the color of your hair, whether it’s natural or dyed. Instead, consider using moringa hair products.

Moringa seeds can create a clear oil, so you won’t have to worry. In fact, vitamins C and E can keep free radicals from turning your hair gray.

You can protect your hair from UV rays, which could otherwise deplete the color, too. 

Happy, Healthy Strands: 8 Moringa Benefits for Hair

Don’t let split ends or fading strands ruin your day. Instead, consider these moringa benefits for hair care. Adding moringa to your routine could provide the solution you’re searching for!

Want to experience these moringa benefits for yourself? We can help.

Discover our moringa products today to get started.